News: Awards

Mon April 1, 2013

Matthew Nichols wins NDSEG Fellowship

The Navy’s Office of Naval Research (ONR) has named Martin Zwierlein, an MIT assistant professor of physics, as one of its 17 new Young Investigators.
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Tue January 15, 2013

The Willis E. Lamb Award for Laser Science and Quantum Optics awarded to Susanne Yelin

This meeting will celebrate Professor Daniel Kleppner’s career of fundamental contributions in physics. An outstanding list of invited speakers will present the most recent and interesting topics in atomic physics.
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Tue January 1, 2013

Jennifer Schloss wins Hertz Foundation Fellowship

The 19th ICOLS conference takes place June 8-12 in Hokkaido, Japan, with CUA representation. Vladan Vuletic will report on a joint MIT-Harvard CUA experiment with Mikhail Lukin on switching of light with light using pulses containing only a few hundred photons. For a readable explanation of how to make light interact with light see the...
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Tue January 1, 2013

Markus Greiner wins 2013 APS Rabi Prize

The 19th ICOLS conference takes place June 8-12 in Hokkaido, Japan, with CUA representation. Vladan Vuletic will report on a joint MIT-Harvard CUA experiment with Mikhail Lukin on switching of light with light using pulses containing only a few hundred photons. For a readable explanation of how to make light interact with light see the...
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Sat September 1, 2012

Vinay Ramasesh received the 2012 Malcolm Cotton Brown Award from the MIT Physics Department

Hongkun Park and Wolfgang Ketterle have been chosen as the 2016 class of National Security Science and Engineering Faculty Fellows,
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Wed February 15, 2012

Microscopy of the Superfluid to Mott transition wins the 2011 AAAS Newcomb Cleveland Prize

The Navy’s Office of Naval Research (ONR) has named Martin Zwierlein, an MIT assistant professor of physics, as one of its 17 new Young Investigators.
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Wed February 15, 2012

Paola Cappellaro wins AFOSR Young Investigator Award

A research collaboration including CUA investigators at Harvard.
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Fri January 27, 2012

Monika Schleier-Smith wins the Hertz Thesis Prize and is selected as Finalist for the DAMOP Thesis Award

To recognize and encourage outstanding research in Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics by investigators who have held a Ph. D. for 10 years or less. The prize consists of $7,500 and a certificate citing the contributions made by the recipient. An allowance will be provided for travel expenses of the recipient to the Society meeting...
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Sun January 1, 2012

APS Outstanding Referee 2012 awarded to Martin Zwierlein

Press Release:
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