News: Research Highlights

Thu January 1, 2009

Efficient All-Optical Switching Using Slow Light within a Hollow Fiber

M. Bajcsy, S. Hofferberth, V. Balic, T. Peyronel, M. Hafezi, A. S. Zibrov, V. Vuletic, and M. D. Lukin, Efficient All Optical Switching Using Slow Light Within a Hollow Fiber, Phys. Rev. Lett. 102, 203902 (2009).
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Thu January 1, 2009

Spin gradient thermometry for ultracold atoms in optical lattices

A major goal of current research with ultracold atoms in optical lattices is the realization of magnetic ordering.  This requires temperatures on the order of the second order tunneling rate, J2/U where U is the interaction energy and J the tunneling amplitude.  Such temperatures are about ten times less than 1 nk, the lowest temperature...
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Thu January 1, 2009

Collision-induced spin depolarization of alkali metal atoms in cold He gas

T.V. Tscherbul, P. Zhang, H.R. Sadeghpour, A. Dalgarno, N. Brahms, Y.S. Au, and J.M. Doyle, Physical Review accepted (2009).
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Thu January 1, 2009

Cavity sideband cooling of a single trapped ion

Cavity sideband cooling of a single trapped ion. D. R. Leibrandt, J. Labaziewicz, V. Vuletic, and I. L. Chuang, submitted to Phys. Rev. Lett (5/2009).
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Thu January 1, 2009

Universal resource state for One-Way Quantum Computations

A fascinating model for quantum computing, other than the traditional quantum circuit model, is the “one-way” model that is based on simply doing single qubit measurements to a fixed, initial entangled quantum state of many qubits.  By feeding back measurement results to control the axis of subsequent measurements, any quantum circuit can be simulated and...
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Thu January 1, 2009

Mechanism of Collisional Spin Relaxation in 3S Molecules

Wesley Campbell, Timur Rscherbul, Hsin-I Lu, Edem Tsikata, Roman Krems, John Doyle, Physical Review Letters 102 013003 (2009)
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Thu January 1, 2009

Hybrid 2D surface trap for quantum simulation

J. I. Gillen, W. S. Bakr, A. Peng, P. Unterwaditzer, S. Foelling, M. Greiner, Hybrid 2D surface trap for quantum simulation, arXiv:0812.363v1 (2008)
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Thu January 1, 2009

Realization of high selectivity ion qubit addressing scheme

Selectively addressing individual qubits in an array of ions is a vital task for scalable quantum computation with trapped ions.  Traditionally, this is accomplished using complex optics for laser beam steering, but such schemes are not easily scalable.  We have realized a scalable alternative which employs the advantages of microfabrication and cryogenic operation, and applies...
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Thu January 1, 2009

Cold Trapped Molecules: Collisional Limitations and Mechanisms

Wesley Campbell, Timur Rscherbul, Hsin-I Lu, Edem Tsikata, Roman Krems, John Doyle, Physical Review Letters 102 013003 (2009)
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Thu January 1, 2009

Near Field Electrical Detection of Optical Plasmons and Single Plasmon Sources

A. Falk, F. L. Koppens, C. L. Yu, K. Kang, N. d. L. Snapp, A. V. Akimov, M. Jo, M. D. Lukin, and H. Park, Near Field Electrical Detection of Optical Plasmons and Single Plasmon Sources, Nature Physics 5, 475-479 doi:10.1038/nphys1284 (2009).
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