News: Research Highlights

Mon January 1, 2007

A Bright, Guided Molecular Beam With Hydrodynamic Enhancement

Molecular beams form the technological basis for a wide range of chemical and physical studies. We report here an advance in producing cold beams of atoms and molecules with high intensity. This method is general in that it uses helium, an inert gas, to cool species, even refractory and radical molecules. Cold molecular oxygen and...
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Mon January 1, 2007

Matter-Wave Interferometry with Phase Fluctuating Bose-Einstein Condensates

A non-interacting zero-temperature Bose-Einstein condensate is the matter-wave analogue to the optical laser, and therefore the ideal atom source for matter-wave interferometry.  However, at finite temperature elongated condensates (e.g. in wave guides) suffer from phase fluctuations.
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