
The CUA sponsors a variety of outreach activities including a summer school in atomic physics that is normally held in conjunction with the International Conference on Atomic Physics, a visitors program, co-sponsorship of workshops in collaboration with the nearby Theoretical Institute for Atomic and Molecular Physics (ITAMP) and Harvard Quantum Optics Center (HQOC), and outreach programs to local K-12 students.

Upcoming Events

Wed March 19, 2025 3:36 pm
Location:Anaheim Convention Center, 160 (Level 1)
Professor Ketterle will be speaking at the International Year of Quantum Summit in the Milestones section of the program. Quantum Mechanics Near Absolute Zero Temperature Quantum mechanics describes the microscopic physics of atoms, nuclei and elementary particles. However, when particles are cooled to very low temperatures, their de Broglie wavelength increases and new quantum phenomena...
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Past Events

Fri October 25, 2024 9:00 am
Location:UP Academies, Dorchester
Michal Szurek, Harvard
Alex Deters, Harvard
Annie Zhi, Harvard
Spark is the day of STEM at UP Academies, hosted at one of UP’s schools in Dorchester. Students across UP academies spend the day learning about STEM subjects and careers. The goal is to bring hands-on immersive STEM experiences to the students to spark joy, excitement and wonder for STEM learning and career pathways. CUA provided...
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Sun September 1, 2024 12:00 am
CUA graduate students volunteer with PhysGAAP, Physics Graduate Application Assistance Program. PhysGAAP offers webinars, office hours, and mentorship to help guide college students interested in applying for graduate school in Physics at MIT. Kyle Debry (Chuang Lab) has served on the leadership since 2022.