People: Boris Braverman

Graduate Student
  1. Z. Li, B. Braverman, S. Colombo, C. Shu, A. Kawasaki, A. Adiyatullin, E. Pedrozo-Peñafiel, E. Mendez, and V. Vuletic. Collective Spin-Light and Light-Mediated Spin-Spin Interactions in an Optical Cavity. PRX Quantum, 3(020308), 2022.
  2. E. Pedrozo-Peñafiel, S. Colombo, C. Shu, A. Adiyatullin, Z. Li, E. Mendez, B. Braverman, A. Kawasaki, V. Vuletic, D. Akamatsu, and Y. Xiao. Entanglement on an optical atomic-clock transition. Nature, 588:414–418, December 2020. View Abstract
  3. A. Kawasaki, B. Braverman, E. Pedrozo-Peñafiel, C. Shu, S. Colombo, Z. Li, and V. Vuletic. Trapping 171Yb Atoms into a One-Dimensional Optical Lattice with Small Waist. Phys Rev A, 102(013114), 2020.
  4. A. Kawasaki, B. Braverman, E. Pedrozo-Peñafiel, C. Shu, S. Colombo, Z. Li, I. Ozel, W. Chen, D. Levonian, Y. Xiao, V. Vuletic, L. Salvi, A. Heinz, and D. Akamatsu. Geometrically asymmetric optical cavity for strong atom-photon coupling. Phys Rev A January 2019.
  5. B. Braverman, A. Kawasaki, E. Pedrozo-Peñafiel, S. Colombo, C. Shu, Z. Li, E. Mendez, Y. Xiao, V. Vuletic, M. Yamoah, L. Salvi, and D. Akamatsu. Near-Unitary Spin Squeezing in 171Yb. Phys. Rev. Lett., 122(223203), June 2019.
  6. B. Braverman, E. Pedrozo-Peñafiel, A. Kawasaki, V. Vuletic, M. Yamoah, and B. Zlatkovic. Robust kHz-linewidth distributed Bragg reflector laser with optoelectronic feedback. Optics Express, 27(26):37714-37720, 2019.
  7. B. Braverman. Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics with Ensembles of Ytterbium-171 Atoms. MIT, 2018.
  8. B. Braverman, A. Kawasaki, and V. Vuletic. Impact of Non-Unitary Spin Squeezing on Atomic Clock Performance. New Journal of Physics October 2018.
  9. J. Hu, W. Chen, Z. Vendeiro, A. Urvoy, B. Braverman, and V. Vuletic. Vacuum spin squeezing. Phys. Rev. A, 96(050301), November 2017.
  10. P. Samutpraphoot, Q. Lin, D. Gangloff, A. Bylinskii, B. Braverman, A. Kawasaki, V. Vuletic, S. Weber, C. Raab, and W. Kaenders. Passive intrinsic-linewidth narrowing of ultraviolet extended-cavity diode laser by weak optical feedback. Opt. Express, 22:11592, 2014.
Thu May 9, 2019

Near Unitary Squeezing

A group at the MIT led by Prof. Vladan Vuletić has recently generated significant amount of spin squeezing-a type of quantum entanglement-in an ultracold vapor of ytterbium-171. Spin squeezed states (SSS) can be used to overcome the standard quantum limit (SQL) which bounds state-of-the-art atomic sensors like optical clocks. The latter deploy a dilute vapor...
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Mon April 22, 2019

Direct Laser Cooling Rubidium Atoms

A group at MIT led by Vladan Vuletic has recently created a Bose-Einstein Condensate (BEC) of rubidium atoms with a new method, direct laser cooling. Many researchers have attempted this elusive goal in the past, but due to various complications resorted to reaching BEC through evaporation instead. Compared to cooling through evaporation, laser cooling is...
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