People: Lee Richard Liu

Graduate Student
  1. L. Liu. Building Single Molecules – Reactions, Collisions, and Spectroscopy of Two Atoms. Harvard University, 2021.
  2. J. Hood, Y. Yu, Y.-W. Lin, J. Zhang, K. Wang, L. Liu, K. Ni, and B. Gao. Multichannel interactions of two atoms in an optical tweezer. Phys. Rev. Research, 2(023108), 2020.
  3. L. Liu. Building Single Molecules – Reactions, Collisions, and Spectroscopy of Two Atoms. Harvard University, 2019.
  4. L. Liu, J. Hood, Y. Yu, J. Zhang, N. Hutzler, K. Ni, and T. Rosenband. Building one Molecule from a Reservoir of Two Atoms. Science April 2018.
  5. Y. Yu, N. Hutzler, J. Zhang, L. Liu, K. Ni, and T. Rosenband. Motional Ground State Cooling Outside the Lamb-Dicke Regime. Phys. Rev. A, 97(063423), June 2018.
  6. N. Hutzler, L. Liu, Y. Yu, and K. Ni. Eliminating light shifts for single atom trapping. New Journal of Physics, 19, February 2017.
  7. L. Liu, J. Zhang, Y. Yu, N. Hutzler, Y. Liu, K. Ni, and T. Rosenband. Ultracold Molecular Assembly.
  8. N. Hutzler, L. Liu, Y. Yu, and K. Ni. Eliminating light shifts in single-atom optical traps. arXiv e-prints 2016.
Tue March 5, 2019

High school physics class visit Ni group

The Ni group’s “building a single molecule from a reservoir of two atoms” paper was a cover story of Science magazine in May 2018. It generated a lot of public fascinations and subsequent news stories.  A high school teacher from Japan contacted Professor Ni to arrange a lab tour and a short lecture to his...
News type:
Fri May 25, 2018

Single Molecule Results from the Ni Labs

Molecules are intrinsic coherent quantum system that have long been recognized as promising building blocks for quantum simulations, ideal natural laboratory to search for new physics, and a playground to answer fundamental questions in chemical reactions. Achieving full quantum control of molecules in bulk gases have been a forefront goal of the field that generally...
News type:
Past Events
Tue March 5, 2019 9:00 am
The Ni group’s “building a single molecule from a reservoir of two atoms” paper was a cover story of Science magazine in May 2018. It generated a lot of public fascinations and subsequent news stories.  A high school teacher from Japan contacted Professor Ni to arrange a lab tour and a short lecture to his...