Renate Landig is currently studying Physics at the Technical University of
Munich, where she is expected to receive her diploma (eqivalent to a master’s
degree) by the end of 2010.
During her study she did experimental research at the Max-Planck Institute for
Quantum Optics in Garching, Germany.
Since Sept. 2008 she is a visiting student in the Ion Trapping group of Prof.
Vladan Vuletic.
- J. Choi, H. Zhou, R. Landig, G. Kucsko, P. Maurer, H. Park, M. Lukin, H.-Y. Wu, X. Yu, S. E. Stetina, S. E. Mango, D. Needleman, and A. Samuel. Probing and manipulating embryogenesis via nanoscale thermometry and temperature control. PNAS, 117(26):14636-14641, 2020.
- H. Zhou, J. Choi, S. Choi, R. Landig, P. Cappellaro, H. Knowles, H. Park, M. Lukin, A. Douglas, J. Isoya, F. Jelezko, S. Onoda, and H. Sumiya. Quantum Metrology with Strongly Interacting Spin Systems. Phys. Rev. X, 10(031003), 2020.
- J. Choi, H. Zhou, H. Knowles, R. Landig, S. Choi, and M. Lukin. Robust Dynamic Hamiltonian Engineering of Many-Body Spin Systems. Phys. Rev. X, 10(031002), 2020.
- J. Choi, H. Zhou, S. Choi, R. Landig, W.W. Ho, D. Abanin, M. Lukin, Junichi Isoya, Fedor Jelezko, Shinobu Onoda, and Hitoshi Sumiya. Probing quantum thermalization of a disordered dipolar spin ensemble with discrete time-crystalline order. Phys. Rev. Lett, 122(043603), February 2019.
- R. Landig, J. Choi, H. Zhou, X. Liao, M. Lukin, H. Park, M. S. Chan, and P. K. Lo. Stepwise ligand-induced self-assembly for facile fabrication of nanodiamond-gold nanoparticle dimers via non-covalent biotin-streptavidin interactions. Nano Lett, 19, February 2019.
- J. Choi, R. Landig, G. Kucsko, E. Demler, M. Lukin, H. Zhou, H. Sumiya, V. Khemani, C. von Keyserlingk, and N.Y. Yao. Observation of discrete time-crystalline order in a disordered dipolar many-body system. Nature, 221–225, May 2017.