People: Ruixiao Yao
Graduate Student
V. Crepel, R. Yao, B. Mukherjee, R. Fletcher, and M. Zwierlein. Geometric squeezing of rotating quantum gases into the lowest Landau level. Comptes Rendus. Physique, 24:241-262, March 2024.
R. Yao, S. Chi, R. Fletcher, M. Zwierlein, and M. Wang. Measuring pair correlations in Bose and Fermi gases via atom-resolved microscopy. ArXiv 2024.
R. Yao, S. Chi, B. Mukherjee, A. Shaffer-Moag, M. Zwierlein, and R. Fletcher. Observation of chiral edge transport in a rapidly-rotating quantum gas. ArXiv 2023.